企画セッション1: 機械学習と離散数学 ( 10:10 – 12:10 )
グラフ文法を用いたグラフ生成 スライド
講演者1: 梶野洸(IBM)
回帰による再帰型ニューラルネットワークからの重み付きオートマトンの抽出 スライド
講演者2: 関山太朗(NII)
本講演では実数値を出力とする再帰型ニューラルネットワーク(recurrent neural network; RNN)から重み付き有限オートマトン(weighted finite automaton; WFA)を抽出する手法について紹介する.本手法ではWFA抽出のためにBalleとMohriによって提案されたWFA学習アルゴリズムを用いる.BalleらのアルゴリズムをRNNに適用するためにはWFAとRNNの等価性判定と(等価でない場合,その証拠を提示する)反例探索の仕組みが必要となる.一般にRNNはWFAより表現力の高いモデルであるが,本手法ではRNNとWFAの状態空間を回帰によって対応付けることで等価性判定および反例探索の近似手続きを与える.本講演ではさらに提案手法によって抽出されたWFAの性能およびRNNの解釈・圧縮への応用可能性についても紹介する.
隣接代数と双対平坦構造を用いた学習 スライド
講演者3: 杉山麿人(NII)
招待講演1:Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning of Mechanical Control Systems
Marc Deisenroth(Imperial College London)( 13:25 – 14:25 )
In many high-impact areas of machine learning, we face the challenge of data-efficient learning, i.e., learning from sparse data. This includes healthcare, climate science, and autonomous robots. There are many approaches toward learning from sparse data. In this talk, I will discuss a few of them in the context of reinforcement learning. First, I will motivate probabilistic, model-based approaches to reinforcement learning, which allow us to reduce the effect of model errors. Second, I will discuss a meta-learning approach that allows us to generalize knowledge across tasks to enable few-shot learning.
Key references
- Marc P. Deisenroth, Dieter Fox, Carl E. Rasmussen, Gaussian Processes for Data-Efficient Learning in Robotics and Control, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 37, pp. 408–423, 2015
- Steindór Sæmundsson, Katja Hofmann, Marc P. Deisenroth, Meta Reinforcement Learning with Latent Variable Gaussian Processes, Proceedings of the International the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Marc Deisenroth is the DeepMind Chair in Artificial Intelligence at University College London. He also holds a visiting faculty position at the University of Johannesburg. From 2014 to 2019, Marc was a faculty member in the Department of Computing, Imperial College London. Since September 2016, Marc has also been an advisor to PROWLER.io, a Cambridge-based startup. Marc’s research interests center around data-efficient machine learning, probabilistic modeling and autonomous decision making. Marc was Program Chair of EWRL 2012, Workshops Chair of RSS 2013 and received Best Paper Awards at ICRA 2014 and ICCAS 2016. In 2019, Marc co-organized the Machine Learning Summer School in London with Arthur Gretton. In 2018, Marc has been awarded The President’s Award for Outstanding Early Career Researcher at Imperial College. He is a recipient of a Google Faculty Research Award and a Microsoft PhD Grant. In 2018, Marc spent four months at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Rwanda), where he taught a course on Foundations of Machine Learning as part of the African Masters in Machine Intelligence. He is co-author of the book Mathematics for Machine Learning, published by Cambridge University Press.