(September 25-26, 2006, Century Royal Hotel, Sapporo, Japan)
This workshop has concluded.
Thank you for comming.
Sponsered by:
Grant-in-aid for Specially Promoted Research on
"Semistructured Data Mining" from
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
Supported by:
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,
- The notification date of the
Special Issue is changed from October 1 to October 15,
2006. The deadline for revised paepr and the date of
final decision are also extended accordingly.
[Goto important date]
The corresponding part of
"Call for JSAI Special Issue"
is revised.
PPT/PDF slides of some invited talks are added. (Sep 26; revised on
Sep 27)
The workshop was held on September 25 - 26, 2006 with
more than 60 participants, 31 technical talks, 2 organized
talks, and 5 invited talks. Thank you very much for all the
people who attended and helped the workshop.
- The abstracts of the inivited
talks are added. (Sep 22)
workshop program is now available online.
[printer friendly version]
(Sep 21; revised Sep 22)
Workshop and Site information (in Japanese) is added
[Go to] (Sep 05)
[Call for Participation (in Japanese)]
Online Author Registration site is open
(Sep 05)
Instruction to the authors is added.
(Sep 04; Closed)
The list of accepted papers is available.
[List](Sep 02)
- The information on the workshop site and the accommodations is available. (Aug. 17)
The submission site for the workshop and the special issue is closed. Thank you very much for your interests! (Aug. 15)
- Koji Tsuda (MPI for Biological Cybernetics)
Graph Mining Applications to Machine Learning Problems
[Talk Slide PPT]
- Alexandre Termier (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
From Closed Tree Mining to Closed DAG Mining
- Ryo Yoshida (Univ. Tokyo, IMS, Human Genome Center)
Unsupervised Learning of n << p
Data and Its Applications to Bioinformatics
- Hisashi Kashima (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory)
Methods for Network Structure Prediction
[Talk Slide PDF]
- Shuji Kijima (Univ. Tokyo, Dept. of Math. Informatics)
Random Sampling via Markov Chain
[Talk Slide PDF]
Accepted Papers
Workshop and Site information
Practical information on the workshop. Date and expected workshop schedule, registration fee, banquet, site access, etc.
- See the following sections for Location, Workshop site, Registration, and Accommodations.
Important Date
August 15, 2006 | Submission Deadline (Extended) (Closed on August, 15) |
August 31, 2006 |
Notification |
September 2, 2006 | Notification of WS |
September 25-26, 2006
DMSS2006 Workshop
JSAI Special Issue:
August 15, 2006 | Submission Deadline (Extended) (Closed on August, 15) |
October 1, 2006 | Notification of the Special Issue |
October 15,
2006 | Notification
of the Special Issue (Extended) |
November 10, 2006 |
Deadline for
Revised Paper
December 10, 2006 | Final Decision on Acceptance |
January 10, 2007 | Camera-ready Copy due |
March, 2007 | Publication in JSAI Journal |
Welcome to DMSS2006
Recently, thanks to advances of information technology, we can get any
kind of large data through computer networks. On the other hand,
because of such facilitation of getting large data, we suffer from
difficulty of analysing, summarising and utilising these data. One of
solutions of the above problem has been attracted by many researchers,
that is, "data mining" to discover useful information from large
amount of data.
In Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), we have been
discussing various techniques of data mining through special interest
groups such as SIG on knowledge-based systems and SIG on fundamental
problem of AI. Followed by these activities, we have just established
a new SIG called "data mining and statistical science" aiming at new
technology on data mining by combining machine learning techniques in
AI and traditional statistical science. In this special issue and
workshop, we solicit papers on various aspects of data mining from
various fields such as AI, statistical science and application domains
in order to stimulate discussion among researchers in these
Topics of interest
include, but not limited to, the following areas:
Machine Learning, Probablistic Reasoning, Statistical
Reasoning, Data
Mining, Semi-structured Data Mining, Text Mining, Data Visualization,
Data Mining Algorithms, Scalability and Efficiency in Data
Mining, Applications of Data Mining and Statistical Sciences
to real world tasks, e.g., Bioinformatics and Network Data Analysis. Any researches on Data Mining and Statistical Sciences.
Paper Submission (Closed)
Submission page (See
Japanese Page, too)
for more information on the workshop as well as the JSAI Special Issue. (Submission is already closed)
The contact author of an accepted paper is requested to see the following instructions.
As default, a submitted draft will be used as the camera-ready copy
for the workshop proceedings without changing unless it is requested to revise or the authors want to revise it.
Author registration

Online Author Registration [Follow this link]
Location for DMSS2006
Sapporo is located in Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido, and
is one of the most modern and beautiful cities in Japan having
the population of 1.8 million. The city is also famous in its food
as "Gastronomes' Paradise" (by its crab, salmon, and other seafoods, beer,
Sapporo "ramen" noodle, lamb BBQ, etc.) as well as known as a mecca of
winter sports and outdoor life in its wilderness, moutains/volcanoes, and hotsprings...
Workshop Site
Century Royal Hotel, N5W5, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0005, which directly connects to JR Sapporo station and the subway station "Sapporo" by three-minutes walk along the underground passage. The workshop sessions (9/25-26) and the banquet (9/25, evening) will take place at the main hall at 20th floor and at 3rd floor of the hotel.
General participants to DMSS2006 workshop are welcome.
The registration desk will open from 8:30 (maybe
earlier) on Monday
and Tuesday at 20th floor (in front of the main room) of the workshop
site. Online registration is available for general participants
and the authors at the registration desk.
The registration fee is free and a copy of the
proceedings is given to a participant.
Banquet ticket is available in 3,000yen
for students and 6,000yen for others at the registration desk. We
hope many participants (particularly, young scientists) from several
desciplines to attend the Banquet to communicates each
To attend DMSS2006,
Onsite registration:
Please make the register for the workhshop at the
registration desk at 20th floor of the site, which is open
from 8:30 to 16:30 during the workshop (25 - 26 September).
Online registration
Online Registration site [Follow this link].
This is common to Author registration. Please ignore any
questions/fields irrelevant to the general registration.
You can find a variaty of hotels with reasonable prices around the workshop site and JR Sapporo Station area. A popular choice for reasonable hotels are: Toyoko-Inn (at Hokkaido University, at JR-Sapporo station North), Sapporo Aspen Hotel, KKR Hotel Sapporo, etc.
Please check the rooms on-line hotel booking sites such as
The Workshop Chair:
Hiroki Arimura (Hokkaido Univ.)
The Workshop Co-Organizers:
Takashi Washio (Osaka Univ.)
Ken Satoh (NII)
Tomoyuki Higuchi (The Institue of Statistical Mathematics)
Kimihito Ito (Hokkaido Univ.)
Shoji Hirano (Shimane Univ.)
The Program Committee
Hideki Asoh (AIST)
Makoto Haraguchi (Hokkaido Univ.)
Kouichi Hirata (Kyutech)
Hiroyuki Kawano (Nanzan Univ.)
Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST)
Masahiro Mizuta (Hokkaido Univ.)
Shinichi Morishita (Univ. of Tokyo)
Yoichi Motomura (AIST)
Akito Sakurai (Keio Univ.)
Taisuke Sato (Titech)
Yoshiharu Sato (Hokkaido Univ.)
Hidetoshi Shimodaira (Titech)
Ayumu Shinohara (Tohoku Univ.)
Masayuki Takeda (Kyushu Univ.)
Eiji Takimoto (Tohoku Univ.)
Yuzuru Tanaka (Hokkaido Univ.)
Takeaki Uno (NII)
Akihiro Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
Yoshiro Yamamoto (Tokai Univ.)
Kenji Yamanishi (NEC)
Kenichi Yoshida (Tsukuba Univ.)
The Local Arrangement Committee
Takuya Kida (Hokkaido Univ.)
Shinichi Minato (Hokkaido Univ.)
Kimihito Ito (Hokkaido Univ.)
Special Issue for JSAI:
Takashi Washio
Workshop (Submission and Local Arrangement)
Hiroki Arimura
E-mail: arim @ ist.hokudai.ac.jp
Last modified: 27 Sep 2006 $Id$